Friday, February 17, 2006

Bored? Try This

I got this email from Olive and sorry.. i gave in.. so here it is... if you want you can do your own list...

Four jobs you have had in your life:

1. Fund Accountant

2. GAP (yes, the one who ask you "what size are you looking for?")

3. Product Manager

4. Production Engineer / Chemist

Four movies you could watch over and over

1. Spider Man

2. X- Men

3. The Notebook


Four places you have lived:

1. Toronto (Canada)

2. Manila (Philippines)

3. Makati (Philippines)

4. Iloilo City (Philippines)

Four TV shows you love to watch:

1. Friends

2. American Idol

3. Desperate Houseviwes

4. Sex In The City

Four places you have been on vacation

1. Los Angeles, California

2. Hawaii

3. Montreal, Canada

4. Boracay, Philippines

Four websites you visit daily:

1. TD Canada Trust

2. Yahoo!

3. Fido

4. Toronto Star

Four of your favorite foods:

1. Anything Filipino (I can cook.. and I'm a good one.. hehe!)

2. Thai Food

3. Vietnamese Food

4. Anything my Mom cooks

Four places you'd rather be right now:

1. Torino, Italy

2. Austria

3. Cuba or Mexico

4. Home

Four of your favorite things to do

1. Lounge @ home

2. Chillin' with friends

3. Cooking and eating

4. Listening to music

Four of your favorite drinks (alcoholic or non....ANYTHING)

1. Water!!!!!!

2. Tea (Green, Chamomile, Ginger)

3. Hot Choco

4. Any alcoholic drinks except whisky.

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