i almost puke this morning when i woke up seeing this on the news... i know horrible stories about apartment buildings but so far
33 isabella is the worst ive seen... hopefully you guys dont have the same horrible experience.
warning: this case maybe isolated and does not reflect condition of other apartments in the city.
pictures taken from the group website (click above link for more) :

A fellow resident took this picture on her way to work this morning (20060422). The right hand door, on her way out of the front door had
BLOOD all over it. A great thing to get all over yourself on your way to work on a Saturday morning. "Elegant Downtown Living" indeed. Please continue to forward any pictures you've taken along to us.

This one even I wouldn't believe if there wasn't a picture to prove it. On a Friday night, a group of 3 crackheads literally camp out in the stairwell. They have a suitcase, copious amounts of junk food, bedding, and (lord only knows why)... a bottle of air-freshener fabreeze. I guess even they can't stand their own smell! They weren't too keen when I snapped a photo of them though, they all ducked for cover.

Another group of tenants from a few floors have apparently banded together to start patrolling the stairwells around their section of the building. Good to see people helping out each other. But, wait a minute, isn't the security of the building a task which the building is responsible for? Guess not!

Post-sex memories. Can you imagine walking in on this? Luckily, all that was left when I walked by was a used condom. Other places I've found used condoms include; my storage locker, on top of a fire alarm speaker in our hallway, and hanging from the ceiling of the elevator.

This picture was taken on 20060415, and submitted by a fellow tenant. Notice the use of her dirty old sneaker as a pillow. Sweet dreams.

This picture was taken on 20060415, and submitted by a fellow tenant. More things to trip over, when using the st

This picture was taken on 20060415, and submitted by a fellow tenant. More sharp, exposed glass, sitting in the stairwell waiting to be slipped on. This is apparently debris from making a crack pipe out of a glass container.

This picture was taken on 20060415, and submitted by a fellow tenant. Apparently she woke up mid morning to use the washroom. Thanks for doing it right in the middle of the stairwell!
dont you have anything better to do then complain about the shoddy condition of some apartments? i live in this building and i have not had one problem here. So if you dont mind, get a real job, a hobby and a live, please and thankyou.
Clearly the above comment was left by someone who does not live in the building, or is the person in charge.
Even by googling 33 Isabella you get pages of complaints and horror stories from this complex.
Clean your building up. Now.
I live there and the building is clean
the NEW MANAGEMENT really take care of it
I've read nothing but shocking reviews for this building, the web's full of them.
funny how the ones praising it on this page choose to remain anonymous..
I'm moving to Toronto this summer, and wanted something cheap with a good location; good to know what to avoid.
I am shocked by many negative posts about 33 Isabella. I hope the bad things are behind us already, as I have lived there for exactly a year now (Nov 08-09) and just to be fair nothing unpleasant as those mentioned has ever happened. I live on the 5th floor and took the stairs frequently but never saw a single homeless people ever. The staff were cleaning the common area every morning when I leave for work, and the manager and superitendant are super nice.
Of course for such cheap rent (under $1000 at such a GREAT location) you can't expect anything luxury, but in terms of safety and cleaness. I have no complaint so far.
33 Isabella is under new management.. Cromwell. I have lived here for 2 years now and have not witnessed a single thing amiss. The staff are always around, always friend. I rarely even see other tenants in the stairwells, and I repeat- have NEVER seen squatters, garbage, urine, or anything remotely disgusting. I live close to the first floor so at a busy part of the stairwell.
I wish to bring to your notice that Apt 1916 has some unusual visitors coming in and out. When I inquired one of them, they discreetly mentioned to me it's a private escort service offered by a transexual. This is disturbing for me to know that this type of activity goes on in my apartment building. I am not disclosing my name here, as I am not sure how Cromwell will handle this.Please look in to this asap as we have children living in this building.
Today, there is an increasing number of potheads in the building. I can only assume my neighbor is a dealer as an increasing number of shady individuals (so far have seen 16, still counting) stop at their door hand them cash, get a bag of something and leave. I have informed management a few days ago but so far nothing has been done. I will hopefully move to a safer and better building soon.
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